How to Get Free Disney Gift Cards
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I love Disney and I love a good deal.
If you are reading this I would assume you also love both.
I can see you have good taste.
Now that we are new best friends, I want to share with you a secret. Every single week when I shop for groceries and household items, I also earn free Disney gift cards, and since we are all close friends now- I’m going to share with you how I do it.
Why Disney Gift Cards?
While this could have been titled How to Get Free Gift Cards, it is How to Get Free Disney Gift Cards. Let’s face it. Disney parks are expensive. For those of us who like to visit frequently, we have to get creative on how tp save money.
One of my favorite ways to save and still feel like I am splurging on vacation is using Disney gift cards. Before each trip I determine the amount I will spend on food, souvenirs, etc. and pre purchase gift cards in that amount. This way I am not stressed by prices and can enjoy the magic with my family.
If I can get these cards at a discount or for free- even better. So now on to how to get free Disney gift cards.
Grocery Rebate Apps
Wait- I know what you are going to say. You’ve tried rebate apps before and there isn’t an option to redeem for Disney Gift cards. I hear you, but I’m going to share with you how I convert the rebates from each app to the Disney gift cards I use on every Disney trip I take.
Before I jump into that I want to go over the basics for my new besties that may not be familiar with rebate apps.
Grocery rebate apps are just apps on your phone with which you can upload a grocery receipt and get paid for the items you have already bought. Crazy right? There’s just free money lying around out there that brands want to share with consumers and this is a tool for getting it to them. It’s kind of like a coupon that works in reverse.
Now that we have that settled, lets get to the good stuff. I’m going to go through each app that I use (some more than others) and show you how to get free Disney gift cards from each one.
I’m starting with Fetch because it is just so crazy easy to use. I don’t have to load any individual offers or watch and videos, I just upload my receipt and go. The best part is that I can choose to have them scan through my email and upload any receipt that might have points. This means that loading receipts from pick up and delivery services is a breeze.
If you haven’t given Fetch a try yet, be sure to use my referral code, P9VRG, during signup and you’ll get 2,000 Fetch Points (equals $2). You can find them here or in the app store.
I convert these gift cards one of two ways.
The first is that I will redeem a Sam’s Club gift card and redeem it to purchase a discounted Disney gift card. Currently they have $50 cards for $47.98. While your mileage may vary, I have never had a problem purchasing a Disney gift card in store using a Sam’s Club gift card. I am usually buying other items and it all goes through easy peasy.
The second way is if you don’t have a Sam’s membership you can redeem for Target gift cards. While you cannot directly use them to purchase Disney gift cards you can use them to buy other items at target. My experience is that if I am purchasing other items of more value than the gift card there is never a problem with the transaction. For instance I will buy $40 of groceries and a $25 Disney gift card and pay with my redeemed $25 target gift card and cash.
*You can always reach out to your local store to clarify policy on gift card redemption. I love a discount, but I always make sure to follow the rules when it comes to how to get free Disney Gift Cards.
Ibotta is basically the OG of the rebate app world. They still have, in my opinion, the most quality rebates in one place and a huge number of online retailers which can help your cash back add up in a hurry. They even have a browser extension with special deals. You will have to add items to your list before uploading your receipt- so don’t forget!
If you have never used Ibotta you can check them out here and I have a code for them as well. I’m not sure if there is a current sign on bonus but it will connect us on an Ibotta “team” which will help you reach the teamwork bonuses each month. The code is eudwgef if you are interested. If you can find a large sign up bonus floating around on the internet – go for that though.
While you can do either route I discussed above, you also have the option of PayPal. I love the flexibility that this brings. I can either transfer the money out of PayPal and order a Disney card from the place of my choosing or use PayPal as the checkout option at The second option can be really fun because has so many designs to choose from so that you have more that just the red Mickey gift card that is standard. Plus I am always on there anyway ordering awesome Disney gear.
Dosh doesn’t directly provide grcery rebates, however they sometimes have deals where you will get a certain percentage back on your entire purchaces at places like Walmart grocery pick up, Sam’s, or Costco.
What I like about Dosh is that it is one and done. Just upload your creit card and when you make a qualifying purchase it is automatically added to your total.
There are only 3 options for redemption. PayPal, Venmo, or your personal bank account. I usually opt for PayPal and use the money as described above, but you have the flexibility to do what works for you.
The great thing about Shopkick is that you can directly redeem points for a Disney gift card! I have found, however, that for me and how I personally shop, it is very slow earning. What I do love is that they have small earning opportunities that require no purchase. However small, that is FREE MONEY!
They feature many retail stores in addition to grocery and big box stores. Take a look around the app and see if it is right for you! You can also read more about them here.
If you are interested use the code FREE072031 and you will get 250 free kicks!
Other Apps
There are so many other apps out there, some I use occasionally but these are the ones that are currently giving the most success in earning free Disney gift Cards. If you are having success with any of these please let me know below. Let’s help each other out, you know, now that we are best friends and all!
Let’s Get to Work Awesome Disney Gift Card Deal Hunters
I hope this has prepped you on how to get free Disney gift cards for yourself. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me by email at If you want to brag about your awesome gift card deals tag me @magicforfve on Instagram and Twitter.
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